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First My Mother, Forever My Friend

First My Mother, Forever My Friend

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About the Images

When I saw the lovely, mature-faced Agatha skin by theSkinnery at last month’s Uber event, I thought she was truly beautiful, and I felt inspired to add a new character to the group here at Serena & Friends. So… meet Serena’s mother, Claire!

I had fun designing Claire. However, creating an avatar with a mature look is a bit more complicated than you might think. Finding clothes that are more modest aren’t always easy to find. I was pleased to grab the pretty skirt and sweater by Neve on sale for a recent Happy Weekend, both of which paired nicely with the simple slingback heels by Salvadori. To top things off, I added LaGyo’s fabulous Sel statement necklace and earrings set, which you can find at the current round of Collabor88.

Serena is wearing the tres adorable Maple dress by Tres Blah – also at Collabor88 – that I couldn’t resist buying as soon as I saw it. The blouse comes in various states of see-throughness, with Serena wearing an appropriate level for a day of shopping with her mom.

I also want to point out that Serena’s eyes are the new Halcyon Eyes by IKON, which you can find at the current round of Cosmopolitan. So pretty!

Complete credits are below the story. As always, store and event SLurls are available on the Store & Event Links page.

The Story

Serena adjusted her sunglasses as she stepped out of the car, the brisk autumn air reminding her that she should have brought a jacket. The cobblestone streets were alive with the sights and smells of fall—pumpkins on doorsteps, leaves swirling in shades of amber and crimson, and the faint scent of cinnamon from a nearby bakery. It was the perfect day for some mother-daughter time, something Serena had been looking forward to.

Claire, her mother, stepped out beside her, wrapping her coat tightly around herself. “You ready for a day of shopping, my dear?” Claire asked, giving Serena a playful grin.

“Absolutely,” Serena said, linking arms with her mom. “It’s been too long since we’ve had a day like this.”

Work had been busy lately, but Serena wasn’t complaining. Her freelance photography business had flourished over the years, and she felt fortunate to be doing something she loved. Even after many years in the field, every project still felt like a new adventure. And with her longtime boyfriend Gavin supporting her along the way, Serena’s life had found a comfortable rhythm.

They strolled along the city streets, admiring the vibrant fall displays in the shop windows. The boutiques were filled with cozy knit sweaters, scarves, and seasonal decorations, all bathed in the soft glow of string lights that lined the street.

First My Mother, Forever My Friend

Click for the full-resolution version.

“So, how’s Gavin?” Claire asked with a knowing smile. She was always asking about him—after all, Gavin had been a part of their lives for years now.

Serena’s face lit up at the mention of him. “He’s great. Busy at the clinic, as usual, but we’ve got a little weekend getaway planned soon. Upstate. It’s been a while since we’ve had a proper break.”

Gavin had been working as a veterinarian for longer than Serena had been a photographer, and their lives had grown together in such a natural way. They’d met when Serena had taken her poodle, Angus, in for a routine check-up, and their connection had been immediate. What started as friendly banter over Angus’s health had turned into coffee, then dinner, and then a relationship that spanned years. They had grown up together in a sense, learning to balance their busy careers with time for each other.

“Oh, that sounds wonderful,” Claire said, pausing in front of a boutique. “It’s good that you two still find time for each other, even with your schedules.”

“We make it work,” Serena said with a smile. “It helps that he’s so supportive. He’s always encouraging me to try new things with my photography and to take on bigger projects.” She looked around at the cozy storefronts and the festive decorations. “And he’s always reminding me to slow down, too. I tend to get wrapped up in my work.”

Claire nodded knowingly. “That’s the sign of a good partner. Someone who knows when to let you fly and when to help you land.”

Serena smiled softly, thinking about how Gavin had become not just her partner in life but in so many of her dreams. Over the years, he had been there to help her scout locations for shoots, offer feedback on her work, and even lend a hand with managing the business side of things when it got overwhelming. And she helped out at the veterinary clinic on busy days, even calming a scared pup or two. They had become such an integral part of each other’s journeys that she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

They entered the boutique, greeted by the warmth of soft lighting and the scent of candles burning on the shelves. Claire immediately made a beeline for a display of autumn scarves, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

“This one’s perfect for you,” Claire said, holding up a deep-red scarf that matched the colors of the falling leaves outside.

Serena took it, running her fingers over the soft fabric. “It’s beautiful. I think I’ll take it.” She wrapped it around her neck, feeling instantly warmer.

As they browsed the racks, Serena reflected on how much had changed over the years—how she and Gavin had grown together while navigating their careers. They’d talked about the future more seriously lately. There were plans of moving in together and maybe even getting married. Life with Gavin felt solid, comforting, and exciting all at once.

Claire interrupted her thoughts with a knowing glance. “You and Gavin… do you ever talk about the big stuff?”

Serena chuckled, glancing at her mother. “You mean like marriage?”

Claire shrugged, a teasing glint in her eye. “It’s been, what, six, seven years now? I’m just saying…”

“We’ve talked about it,” Serena admitted, her voice soft. “But we’re in no rush. We’re happy where we are.”

Claire nodded. “I can tell. You two have something special. It’s nice to see you so content.”

After purchasing the scarf and a few other items, they made their way to a cozy café down the street. The smell of fresh coffee and spiced cider filled the air as they sat by a window, watching the golden leaves drift down outside.

“You know,” Claire said, sipping her chai latte, “I’m really proud of you. You’ve built such a beautiful life. A successful career, a solid relationship… it’s everything a mother could want for her daughter.”

Serena smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “Thanks, Mom. I feel really lucky. Gavin’s been a huge part of that—he’s helped me balance everything.”

Claire reached across the table to squeeze Serena’s hand. “It’s good to have someone who lifts you up. And I can see how much he loves you.”

Serena’s smile widened. “Yeah, I can, too.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon wandering in and out of more shops, picking up little trinkets, and enjoying the simple pleasures of the day. When they returned to the car, the sun was setting, casting a soft golden glow over the city.

As they buckled in, Claire turned to Serena. “Thanks for today. I’ve missed spending time like this with you.”

Serena smiled, feeling content. “Me too, Mom. It was perfect.”

As they drove home, Serena couldn’t help but feel grateful for everything in her life—for her work, her family, and, of course, Gavin. They’d been through so much together, and she knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it hand in hand. With the golden light of the autumn afternoon fading, Serena felt at peace, knowing that she had found her rhythm in life—surrounded by love and the joy of doing what she was passionate about with the people she loved.

Unedited vs edited image comparison.



Wings EF0901-HAIR
Angel Eyes Messy 18 Hairbase
IKON Halcyon Eyes Eternal Pack (@ Cosmopolitan)
Glam Affair Soraia
Cazimi Coffee Date Eyeshadow
Glam Affair Soraia Lips Toner
e.marie Skyler Earrings
Tres Blah Maple Dress (@ Collabor88)
Vibing Ophelia Rings
Friday Dotty Tights
Phedora Ryujin Oxfords
Movement Casual Fall Handbag
Movement Espresso Drink and Accessory


Stealthic Ardesia
LeLutka Inez
IKON Babylon Eyes
theSkinnery Agatha
Amara Beauty Valerie Eyeshadow
Izzie’s Under Eye Wrinkles
theSkinnery Lip Tint
LaGyo Sel Earrings (@ Collabor88)
LaGyo Sel Statement Necklace (@ Collabor88)
Neve Fluffy Top
Neve Fluid Skirt
Salvadori Darla Slingback Heels
Movement Diva’s Handbag w/That Coffee

Other Items

SYNNERGY.TAVIS Boutique Stores
Poses in image #1: piXit Keira
Pose in image #2: Secret Poses Like Sisters (cropped)

For other items worn, please see About the Characters.
For store SLurls, please visit the Store Links page.

The quote, “First my mother, forever my friend,” is attributed to an unknown author.

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