
Every Flower is a Soul Blossoming in Nature

Every Flower is a Soul Blossoming in Nature

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A Little RL Backstory

Last month, I finished a huge work project that I’d been struggling to complete for almost four years. And while I feel a great sense of relief and freedom now (assuming my project passes muster), I also feel a bit… adrift. I imagine this is what being retired feels like, though I’m self-employed and not actually ready to retire yet. I love my work, but wow, the burnout after four years on the same project is real.

I know I’ll have to get back to work soon, but for now, I’m enjoying having the time to blog again. And nap. Naps are awesome.

Every Flower is a Soul Blossoming in Nature

About the Image

Coming back to SL post-PBR has been… an education. I use the Black Dragon Viewer for photography, but I had apparently neglected to update to the new release with PBR. I use Firestorm for everything else and still haven’t updated to the PBR version; I like to let developers work out the bugs before I do a major update. Anyway, figuring out how to use EEP with PBR wasn’t hard, but it was definitely an adjustment. (Plus, I hadn’t taken any SL pictures since March, and it’s amazing how much you can forget when all of your brain cells are focused on another project!)

Part of what’s winning me over to PBR are the gorgeous skies by Specter Skies. I picked up the Ambiance Pack on a lark at the last Anthology event (over now), and as you can see, the results are stunning. Be sure to stop by the main store to pick up a free gift pack of three skies (PBR and non-PBR) to try out for yourself.

I love this casual outfit by fashionably dead (fd). I believe it was on sale for the Saturday Sale a while back, and Serena’s been wearing it ever since because it’s so cute and summery. Plus, those little retro patches on the hip and fanny are adorable and remind me of… ahem… my younger days. Serena’s earrings are a recent free gift from DEAD DOLL so go grab them if you haven’t already done so!

I was specifically looking for a field of yellow flowers to use as a backdrop for these images, and I was thrilled to find that Posey Wildes had the perfect spot. Though you can’t tell from my images, the sim is dedicated to “literature, prose, and poetry,” with verses scattered throughout the area. You can pick up a HUD with all twenty poems from the sim, as well as audio and teleports to the different locations. Don’t forget to check out the Poetry Photo Contest rules (August 4-31), and you writers may want to attend the Quill and Ink Writing Workshops that meet on Sundays. Enjoy!

The Story: Fields of Gold

She stood at the edge of a sprawling field that stretched out like a golden ocean. The summer air was warm and fragrant, carrying the sweet scent of the flowers that covered the landscape as far as the eye could see. Serena had always found solace in nature, but there was something particularly enchanting about Posey Wildes. It felt untouched as if time had paused to allow the flowers to bloom in perpetual beauty.

The sky above was a brilliant blue, dotted with wisps of clouds that lazily drifted by. Serena took a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air, and then stepped forward, letting her feet sink into the soft, yielding earth. The flowers around her seemed to radiate warmth, their golden hue reflecting the sunlight like a million tiny suns. As she walked, she felt the silky petals brush against her skin. The field was alive with the gentle hum of bees and the occasional flutter of a butterfly’s wings. It felt as if the world had been reduced to this single, perfect moment, just her and the flowers, existing in harmony. She paused to close her eyes and let the sun warm her face. The world around her seemed to dissolve, leaving only the soft rustling of flowers and the distant song of a lark.

As she continued walking, Serena noticed a narrow path winding through the field, almost hidden beneath the flowers. It beckoned her forward, and she followed it, curious to see where it led. The path twisted and turned, leading her deeper into the heart of Posey Wildes. Her steps slowed as she came upon a small clearing. In the center stood a single, ancient oak tree, its branches spreading wide, offering shade and shelter. The surrounding flowers seemed to bow in deference to the tree, their stems bending gracefully toward it. Serena felt a sense of reverence as she approached as if she were intruding on a sacred space. She sat down at the base of the oak, leaning her back against its sturdy trunk. The bark was rough against her skin, grounding her in the present moment. The tree’s leaves whispered above her, a soothing sound that lulled her into a state of deep relaxation. She closed her eyes again, letting herself be enveloped by the tranquility of the place.

After a while, Serena opened her eyes and stood up, feeling refreshed and at peace. The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the field. She knew it was time to leave, but she also knew that she would return. With one last look at the field of golden flowers, she turned and made her way back along the path, her heart light and her spirit renewed. The world outside of Posey Wildes awaited her, but she felt ready to face it now, knowing that she could always return to this place of beauty and peace.

Unedited vs edited image comparison.


Hair: TRUTH Guilty
Skin: Glam Affair Soraia
Body Blush: Izzie’s Body Summer Blush Apricot
Tan Lines: Izzie’s Thong & Bikini Top Tan Lines
Earrings: DEAD DOLL Basic Earrings (group gift)
Eyeshadow: Glam Affair Soraia
Lipstick: Glam Affair Soraia Lips Toner
Necklace: Kibitz Lightless Necklace
Shirt: fashionably dead Retro Vacation Tank Mustard Stripes
Jeans: fashionably dead Retro Vacation Pants Dusty Patches
Rings: Vibing Summer Rings
Shoes: friday Sajni Sandals Dust
Poses: Ana Poses Valldolid
EEP: Specter Skies Ambiance Pack

Photographed at Posey Wildes

For store SLurls, please visit the Store Links page.

The title, “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature,” is a quote by Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855).

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