Dogs are Not our Whole Life, But They Make our Lives Whole

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About the Images
When I joined Second Life back in 2010, I noticed that something was missing. It turns out that something was a dog.
Since then, I’ve had a variety of SL dogs. Some were static and didn’t move; some were companions (attachments), moved a little, and went everywhere I went. And some wandered around on their own.
Last month, Zooby released the first of its Animesh puppies, and they are adorable! The pups can wander around on their own (within limits you can set), eat and drink from a bowl, sleep, take treats, and even poop (which you then need to clean up). If you forget to feed them, they won’t drop dead while you’re logged out, but you will earn tokens toward free treats if you remember to care for your pup during a 24-hour period. And yes, you can attach them and take them with you on your in-world travels.
Ten different breeds were released last month, and three more are coming this month. Also coming soon are puppy clothes and toys… because who doesn’t want to dress up their pup?
I currently own two pups: the Pom Pom that I showed in a previous post and the Boston Terrier that I’m showing in this post. Incidentally, I won the Boston Terrier in one of Zooby’s weekly giveaways, so be sure to head over to Zooby Pets to enter to win one of your own!
My outfit is the Sofi sweater, scarf, jeans, and boots by Osmia. If I had this outfit in real life, I would be wearing it all the time. The sweater looks super soft, with the left hand casually tucked up underneath the front. In my other hand is a mug of cappuccino with the words “Dog Mom” written on the front by ChicChica. It just happens to match my sweater perfectly!
The station wagon in the driveway is the Woodie Wagon by Bad Unicorn. I’m dating myself here, but it really reminds me of Christmases when I was young. Station wagons like this were popular back in the day, and they were perfect for driving the family Christmas tree home from the tree farm. I love a little nostalgia at Christmastime.

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The Story
The first flakes of snow drifted lazily from a pale gray sky, dotting Serena’s hair and eyelashes like tiny stars. She leaned against her weathered station wagon, one boot crossed over the other, and took a cautious sip of her cappuccino. Steam rose from the ceramic mug in her hands, the words “Dog Mom” emblazoned on its side in bold pink print. The warmth seeped through to her hands, comforting against the chill.
At her feet, Beanie, her spunky Boston Terrier pup, sniffed eagerly at a patch of frosted grass near the edge of the yard. His black-and-white coat blended with the snow-speckled landscape. Serena smiled at the sight of him, his stubby tail wagging furiously as he investigated an especially interesting spot.
“Hurry up, buddy,” she murmured, her breath clouding in the air. “We’ve got a tree to decorate.”
She glanced up at the Christmas tree strapped securely to the roof of the station wagon. Its fresh pine scent mingled with the aroma of her cappuccino, evoking memories of childhood Christmases spent stringing popcorn garlands and hanging delicate ornaments. This tree, a perfectly imperfect Fraser fir, was destined for the corner of her living room, where it would bask in the glow of shiny ornaments and twinkling lights.
The wind picked up slightly, nudging stray strands of Serena’s hair into her face. She tucked them behind her ears, her pale fingers brushing against the edge of her white scarf. The snow had started to stick now, forming a thin, crystalline layer on the station wagon’s hood and softening the sharp edges of the world around her. It was the kind of snowfall that made everything seem quiet as if the earth were pausing to breathe.
Beanie trotted a few paces away, circling a patch of untouched snow before plopping down to roll in it. Serena chuckled, the sound breaking the serene silence.
“You’re supposed to be doing your business, not making snow angels,” she teased.
Beanie responded with a joyful snort, his tiny paws kicking up a flurry of snow. Serena shook her head, her smile widening despite the cold. She took another sip of her cappuccino, savoring the bittersweet foam that clung to her lip for a moment before she licked it away.
A neighbor walked by on the sidewalk, bundled in a heavy coat, and gave her a friendly wave. Serena returned it, lifting her mug slightly in acknowledgment. It was one of the things she loved about her neighborhood—the way everyone seemed to know everyone, especially during the holiday season. Her car, with its distinctive red body and evergreen passenger, had already drawn plenty of smiles and waves during her drive back from the tree lot.
Beanie finally seemed to remember his purpose, sniffing the base of a slender birch tree with renewed focus. Serena used the moment to breathe deeply, the crisp air filling her lungs. For all the hustle and bustle December brought, moments like this—standing still, watching snow fall, sipping a warm drink—made it all worthwhile.
She let her mind wander as she waited, thinking about the evening ahead. She had promised Gavin she’d save the tree-decorating for when he came over, even though she was itching to start. They would make a night of it, she decided. Hot cocoa for him, another cappuccino for her. Maybe a Christmas movie playing softly in the background while Beanie sprawled on the couch, chewing on a festive new toy.
Her reverie was broken by a sharp bark. Beanie was finished and was now bounding toward her, leaving tiny paw prints in the fresh snow. Serena crouched to meet him, setting her mug on the car’s bumper as she scooped him up. He wiggled happily in her arms, his tongue darting out to lick her cheek.
“All done, huh?” she said, laughing as she held him close. “Good boy. Let’s get warm now.”
She opened the front door and set Beanie gently on the living room rug, where his favorite blanket awaited. He curled up instantly, his tail still wagging as he settled in. Serena retrieved her mug and took one last sip, savoring the lingering warmth as she glanced at the tree on the car outside.
Before stepping back inside, she took a moment to admire the scene before her: the quiet neighborhood, the glittering snowflakes, and the promise of a cozy evening ahead.
With Beanie snoozing inside and the Christmas tree ready to be brought in, her heart felt light and full of holiday cheer.

Magica December
Angel Eyes Messy 20 Hairbase
IKON Lucidity Eyes Eternal Pack
Glam Affair Liv
Tutti Belli Oblivion Eyeshadow (Advent gift)
Tutti Belli Oblivion Lipstick (Advent gift)
Izzie’s Winter Blush Light
Vibing Millie Earrings
Osmia Sofi Knitted Sweater (@ Equal 10)
Osmia Sofi Knitted Scarf (@ Equal 10)
Osmia Sofi Casual High Jeans (@ Equal 10)
Osmia Sofi Warm Snow Boots & Socks (@ Equal 10)
ChicChica Dog Mom Cappuccino
Zooby Animesh Puppy Boston Terrier
Le Poppycock *All Angles* A
Onsu Rochester House
Hive Christmas Lights
Apple Fall Flora Lantern
[Bad Unicorn] Woodie Wagon
GOOSE Potted Pine Tree
Botanical Boxwood Hedge
[DDD] Snow Dustings
HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass 09
{vespertine} Brass Lighted Deer
{what next} Oversized Merry Christmas Baubles
For other items worn, please see About the Characters.
For store SLurls, please visit the Store & Event Links page.
The quote, “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole,” is attributed to Roger Caras.