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About the Images
Bad Unicorn released some fun Christmas add-ons for their T-Rex costume at the December round of Kustom9. It comes in eight different colors, and the Santa hat, candy cane, and tail lights can be purchased separately to add a festive touch. You, too, can surprise your friends this holiday season like Serena does in the story below!
When wearing the T-Rex costume, be sure to alpha your body out and remove your clothing so it doesn’t poke through the costume. Also, I’m not sure if this just happens to women, but Serena’s head is below the plastic window, so she can’t really see where she’s going (not that she needs to, of course). And she is not a short avatar!
The T-Rex costume comes with animated and non-animated versions. The animated version is very angry and stomps around like a… well, a dinosaur. It’s fun to watch.
Ella Rose’s outfit is the latest group gift from Fashionably Dead. The Minimalist Cozy Set includes a knit skirt and sweater and a fatpack HUD full of colors. Her heels were an Advent gift from Essenz (still available for purchase), and her eyeshadow is a gift from WarPaint in Lelutka’s “12 Days of Christmas” event.
Luna’s festive doorstep is a gift from Synnergy’s Advent calendar.
Complete credits are below the story. Store and event SLurls are available on the Store & Event Links page.
The Story
It was the most wonderful time of the year, and Luna’s house was buzzing with holiday cheer. The warm glow of string lights lit up the front porch, and cheerful music spilled out from within. The air outside was crisp, snowflakes lazily drifting down as Ella Rose approached the door. She adjusted her plain green sweater and smoothed out her red skirt, hoping she struck the right balance between festive and tasteful. Her black heels crunched lightly on the snow-dusted walkway as she reached the doorstep.
Just as Ella Rose was about to ring the doorbell, she heard a strange whirring noise behind her. Turning around, her jaw dropped. There, waddling up the driveway, was Serena—in a green dinosaur costume, complete with a giant Santa hat perched precariously on the head, strings of colored lights wrapped around the tail, and a huge candy cane clutched in one of its tiny arms.
“Serena!” Ella Rose exclaimed, torn between disbelief and laughter. “What in the world are you wearing?”
Serena grinned through the clear plastic window of the dinosaur’s head. “Holiday festive, obviously! The invitation didn’t specify, so I thought I’d make an entrance.” She struck a playful pose, the lights on her tail twinkling merrily.
Ella Rose scrunched up her nose. “The invitation meant, you know, classy festive. Like my outfit.” She gestured to her ensemble. “Green sweater, red skirt, subtle holiday vibes. Not… a prehistoric Christmas mascot!”
“Oh, come on,” Serena said, stepping closer with exaggerated stomps. The mechanical fan inside the costume hummed noisily as the tail swayed behind her. “This costume screams holiday cheer. Look, I even added the lights and a candy cane for extra flair.” She held up the candy cane triumphantly, her tiny arms struggling to keep it steady.
Ella Rose sighed. “You’re definitely going to attract all kinds of attention. Try not to knock over the decorations.”
“Attention is the whole point,” Serena said confidently, waddling toward the door. “Come on, let’s go show these people how it’s done.”
As they stepped inside, the warm scent of cinnamon and pine greeted them. Luna’s living room was transformed into a holiday wonderland, with garlands draped over the mantle and a massive tree twinkling in the corner. Heads turned immediately as Serena entered. The room fell silent for a moment before erupting into laughter and applause. Children raced over to Serena, giggling as they touched the glowing lights on her tail.
Ella Rose trailed behind, shaking her head but unable to suppress a smile. “You’ve officially stolen the show, and we haven’t even been here for five minutes.”
“Told you this was a great idea,” Serena said, posing for selfies with partygoers. Her tail narrowly avoided a tray of hors d’oeuvres as she turned to wave at someone across the room.
“Please don’t break anything,” Ella Rose muttered, grabbing a glass of punch. She stationed herself near the refreshments, half-expecting chaos to ensue.
Serena glanced at her phone and smiled. “Oh, by the way, Gavin said he’d be late. He had some emergencies at the veterinary clinic. But he’s coming!”
Ella Rose raised an eyebrow. “Does he know what you’re wearing?”
“Not a clue,” Serena said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “He’ll love it.”
Luna soon took to the center of the room, clinking her glass to get everyone’s attention. “Alright, everyone, it’s time for the holiday costume contest! If you’ve come dressed to impress, please line up over by the tree.”
Serena’s eyes lit up. “Let’s do this,” she said, making her way toward the tree.
Ella Rose grabbed her arm—or what she assumed was her arm under the inflatable costume. “Oh no, you don’t. This is already ridiculous enough.”
But Serena was unstoppable. She joined the lineup, her tail accidentally nudging one of the reindeer contestants, who laughed and patted her on the back. When it was her turn to showcase the costume, Serena roared loudly, waving her candy cane. The crowd went wild.
“And the winner is…” Luna announced, drawing out the suspense, “Dino-Claus!”
Serena accepted her prize—a $50 gift card to Luna’s bakery—with a dramatic bow. Ella Rose clapped halfheartedly but couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Alright,” Ella Rose said as they left the center of the room. “I’ll admit it. You were right. The dinosaur costume was a hit.”
“Told you so!” Serena said, her tail swishing with pride.
As the night went on, Serena and Ella Rose became the talk of the party, proving that a little creativity and a lot of holiday spirit can make even the quirkiest costume a smashing success.

Bad Unicorn T-Rex Costume + Xmas Add-on (@ Kustom9)
Ella Rose
Amara Beauty Sigrid
Izzie’s Under Eye Concealer
IKON Chimaera Eyes
WarPaint Bliss Eyeshadow (12 Days gift)
Izzie’s Date Night Metallic Lipstick
Cae Laurel Earrings
Cae Laurel Necklace
Kibitz Ameria’s Rings
Fashionably Dead Minimalist Cozy Set Skirt & Top (group gift)
C’est la Vie Erja Bag
Essenz Kenya Heels (Advent gift)
Versuta Kaelyn
Versuta Tami
Synnergy.Tavis Christmas Door Backdrop (Advent gift)
For other items worn, please see About the Characters.
For store SLurls, please visit the Store & Event Links page.