A Wish for 2023

Here’s to an amazing 2023!
I always look forward to the New Year. It’s a chance to start over with a clean slate, and hopefully, not bring along the old habits we’d like to lose!
Of course, old habits are hard to break, and New Year’s Resolutions are hard to keep… which is why I don’t make any. Instead, for the past several years I’ve been following the One Word Challenge (or the One Little Word; both are basically the same). Instead of making a list of promises to myself that I probably won’t keep, I pick a word that will guide me in all I do for the coming year.
My word for 2023 is balance. I’m a bit of a workaholic, and I’m really hoping to find some balance between my work, home, family, and Second Life in order to feel less stressed out… and maybe get a good night’s sleep for a change!

Gavin and me toasting on New Year’s Eve. I kept poking him in the head with my headband!
Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions for your first or Second Life this year? What are you hoping to accomplish?
On Serena:
Hair: Magika Holly
Eyeshadow: Veechi Karma Shadow
Lipstick: Delicatta Sasha (group gift)
Necklace & Earrings: Kunglers Yanna (past group gift)
Rings: Kibitz Davina’s Rings
Dress: Just BECAUSE Tinsel Dress NYE
On Gavin:
Hair: Wings TO0709-Hair
Tuxedo: Deadwool The Tux
Glasses: Deep Static Tingle Glasses Black
Pose #1: Focus Poses Cheers to Another Year (includes sparkler & headband)
Pose #2: Secret Poses Celebrating (includes champagne glasses)
Backdrop: Focus Poses Cheers to Another Year Backdrop (includes props)
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